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What we offer

Why not turn yourself off completely on this trip and enjoy nature at its best. Use your phone for photos of the stunning local beaches; you'll want to take plenty...

It doesn't matter if you have an early start or a late arrival, there will always be someone to greet you and wave you off when you arrive and depart...

After a day of driving the you don't want to be worrying about where to park your car when you get to a new city, especially how much you'll be paying for....

Cable TV
Cable TV
Whether it's when you wake up or as you're going to bed, keep up with all the latest news and catch up on your shows and watch cable tv which are in all the..

Kitchen Facilities
Room Kitchen Facilities
After a long day of travelling, the last thing you may want to do is find a restaurant to eat. At the Kings Motel Inglewood they have helped you out by...

Guest Laundromat
Guest Laundromat
If you mark your favorite top or jeans while you're staying at Kings Motel Inglewood, this isn't a problem as...



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